Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

How to Improve English Listening Skill

Hi guys, it's been so long since my latest post, i haven't updated this blog due my study.

Now, i'm about to share some strategies for you who wants to improve your english language. i don't want to assure you that this way will definitely work because everyone has their own effective way to study. But this way worked for me, so it's worth to try.

There are 4 basic skill that you need to have to say that you're able a language
1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading Comprehension
4. Writing

Listening and Speaking are the active skill, which means reading and writing are the passive skill, but nowadays, you can't say that it's not important, because these days people are not going to say that you are good at language if you can't read what's written in the language. And you have to prove it by writing to. But in this post, i will give you some strategies to improve your listening skill because this is the biggest obstacle for most of us.

1. Believe you can
        You won't succeed if you think you can't. That's absolutely right. when i was in elementary school, i used to think that english is difficult, really unfamiliar for me, there are a lot of difference grammatical rule  from my native language, so i couldn't speak english, couldn't understand article or whatever that's written in english, couldn't understand if someone speak in english with native pronunciation. But when i grew up older, i had no choice, i need to learn english because it's getting more important everyday. And when i started to take it seriously, really it wasn't that difficult. So you desperately need to believe first. Once you believe you can, you can.

2. Love English
         If you always think that english is just difficult to understand and you don't try to love it, it will just get harder every each day. Love it, Get engage often with it and you will know that english words sounds great. Once you find it's exciting, you will never stop studying. Trust me!. No problem if you haven't found it really exciting at the first, second, third or even fourth trial. Keep listening to english material, you will know when you do it.

3. Don't be so hurry and try to use instant ways!
         Like i told you earlier, this is a new language for you. A language that may be so different compared your native language. So yes, you will find some difficulties, that's alright, keep trying. You have to know that listening is long time process. you have to make your ears familiar with the language first, and then you have to familiar with the words those are said by the speaker. Also, there are so many pronunciation of a word  "Twenty" "Internet" "through" "though" for instance. There are several pronunciation for those words, and how do you know it? Strategy 4

4. Listen to many speakers.
         Listen as much as you can will improve your english listening skill. Don't just listen particular speaker, listen to all speakers. British, Scottish, Irish, American or even non native speakers. Most of english are spoken by non native speaker and not all of non native speakers can speak english like native speaker, but you need to understand it too, right? so listen to everyone who speaks english and your listening skill will be improved

Okay, above all and strategy that i don't need to explain is
5. Practice as much as possible

So, what do i have to practice listening through?
well, you should know. you must know yourself, you're the one who knows what's best for you you can learn through everything you like, news, songs, movies, speech or all. Well, that's my recommendation. Learn from all english material.

Okay, those are what i did to improve my listening skill, and i found that there are helpful for me, you can try them too.

Good Luck